Free Health and Nutrition Services in Lebanon to the Most Vulnerable

There are over 850,000 registered Syrian refugees, however the United Nations estimates there are approximately 1.5 million Syrians living in Lebanon, meaning that hundreds of thousands are not able to work legally or access services and are vulnerable to exploitation, detention or deportation.

It’s reported that about 90% of Syrian refugee households live in extreme poverty. According to the United Nations, Syrian refugee families are surviving on about $36 USD a month and this number is shrinking with each day that passes.

Mercy-USA is providing free healthcare and nutrition support to extremely poor families. We screen mothers and children for malnutrition and provide free health and nutrition support, including prenatal care for pregnant moms. 




Umm Ayman and her youngest in her tent home in Lebanon completes a health survey.

Umm Ayman’s story

 Umm Ayman has 4 children with another on the way. The family lives in a substandard tent home that leaks rain and mud each winter and her husband who suffers from kidney disease struggles to find enough work to cover their basic needs.
Umm Ayman has not had prenatal care for her unborn baby and the rest of her children are on the brink of malnutrition. “I know I should be getting prenatal check-ups for my baby, but we can’t afford it.”
Now, Mercy-USA community health workers will visit her and her children in her tent home to check on them and provide free healthcare and nutrition support.
We need your help to reach thousands of Lebanese and Syrian refugee families just like Um Ayman’s.

We can stop malnutrition before it starts if you will help us. Please donate today!