Lanterns for Literacy Read-a-Thon

Fostering a love for reading is important for children everywhere, that’s why we have included a way for children and families in any community to be a part of this amazing program! To participate in our Read-a-Thon pledge drive, children and the adults in their lives will set goals according to their reading level, with the adults agreeing to make a monetary donation for each milestone reached.

For example, for every chapter book read by the child that month, the parent could agree to donate $10, or a donation for every 10 minutes of reading. This can be adapted to the reading level of the child, and can be worked into the goals of Ramadan by adding a religious focus, such as a donation for each Surah or Juz’ read of the Qur’an. The pledge drive form will be available here as well as in some participating businesses and schools.

By participating in the Read-a-Thon Pledge Drive, these children and their families can contribute financially while also fostering a love for reading in their own households.

Download your Read-A-Thon Pledge Packet!

Click to download the black & white printable packet

Click to download the color printable packet


Another easy way to help is to donate a literacy kit for a struggling reader. A $30 donation provides a child 3 leveled readings books, along with a curated selection of new, and like-new, books obtained through the book drive.

Your donated Literacy Kits will be delivered to children in participating Detroit schools and community centers.