

Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc.

44450 Pinetree Drive Suite 201
Plymouth, Michigan 48170-3869

Toll Free: 1-800-556-3729
or 1-800-55-MERCY

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Join us in helping people help themselves with your charitable gift. Donations can be made securely online, or via mail, email and telephone

Automatically Give on Each of the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Automatically Give on Each of the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Set your intentions to give charity during the last blessed nights of Ramadan with our automatic giving feature. 

You can be sure your donation will be given each of the last ten nights to ensure an act of charity is given on Laylatul Qadr. 

“O believers! Donate from the best of what you have earned and of what We have produced for you from the earth...”

Maximize your rewards of giving during the last ten blessed nights of Ramadan! It's easy! Designate an amount to donate for for each of the last ten nights and  never worry about missing a single night. We will stop your automatic gift on the last night of Ramadan for you!

Click the Ramadan Automatic Giving button  to set your charity amount for each night and we will take care of the rest for you, so you can focus on your other good acts and worship during this blessed month.

We will charge your selected payment method once each day during the last ten of  Ramadan.

Your daily donations will end on the last day of Ramadan automatically!


“We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power,
And what will explain to you what the night of power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand,
Peace!...This until the rise of morn!" 
Surah Al-Qadr