

Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc.

44450 Pinetree Drive Suite 201
Plymouth, Michigan 48170-3869

Toll Free: 1-800-556-3729
or 1-800-55-MERCY

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How You Can Help

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Emergency Food Aid

Emergency Food Aid

On September, 21, 2022 the United Nations called Yemen a “hunger hotspot”. War in Yemen and the war in Ukraine have caused acute food insecurity in Yemen and it’s only getting worse.

Your gift will make sure a family won’t send their children to bed with an empty stomach.  

According to the United Nations, “After nine years of war, Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. An estimated 4.5 million people—14 percent of the population—are currently displaced, most of whom have been displaced multiple times over a number of years. 

Mercy-USA distributes food baskets and water to families who have been internally displaced from their homes. We serve families in the Marib, Taiz, Aden and Lahj regions where the need is dire.

Two-thirds of the population of Yemen—21.6 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection services. The risk of a large-scale famine in the country has never been more acute. Tens of thousands are already living in famine-like conditions, with a staggering 6 million more just one step away from it.” For only $150 you can provide a food basket and water for a family to last a month. Consider sponsoring a family with a monthly donation!

Mercy-USA’s emergency food packages that will mean survival for another month. Your gift will make sure a family won’t send their children to bed with an empty stomach.

Mercy-USA provided free cataract surgery for hundreds of patients in Taiz, Yemen during 2023