Winter Fuel Assistance for Families in Northwest Syria
With generous support from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Mercy-USA provided winter fuel assistance to vulnerable families living in tent homes in northwest Syria. Families were given vouchers to purchase whatever fuel their stoves would require to heat their tent homes.
Families could choose firewood, or any of the sustainable fuels available such as pistachio or hazelnut shells or Prina, the bio-fuel made from olive oil production waste.
A Family Story
“I can tell you, every year is harder than the previous one,” Om Mohamed said. She and her husband had a big home that they built on their farm of olive and pistachio trees as well as a small farm of seasonal crops. Their home was destroyed by government forces and the family was forced to flee more than three years previous.
Supporting a big family during conflict, displacement, deteriorating currency and the global pandemic was an enormous challenge, especially after losing everything.
That year, cold temperatures arrived earlier than usual. “I went out every day to gather small branches and tree leaves, and cut small bushes to burn in the stove which created a lot of smoke in the tent. My children suffer from asthma and would cough all night.”
Mercy-USA gave her family the winter fuel vouchers and they were able to purchase pistachio shells that burn without smoke in their stove while warming the tent and it allowed her to warm food as well. Om Mohamed said, “Now we’re all feeling better and we’re relieved to not worry about how to stay warm.”