

Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc.

44450 Pinetree Drive Suite 201
Plymouth, Michigan 48170-3869

Toll Free: 1-800-556-3729
or 1-800-55-MERCY

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Preventative Health Services

Preventative Health Services

Before the invasion of Gaza in 2023, Mercy-USA supported the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA efforts toward preventative healthcare.

Lockdowns and safety measures have not been enough to keep the virus in check and the weak healthcare system is struggling to keep pace.

Up until the invasion of Gaza, Mercy USA’s support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, UNRWA for Gaza worked to ensure continued access to critical healthcare. We are provided women mammography screenings for early detection of breast cancer. Glucometers and glucostics were provided to diabetic patients enabling them to check glucose level at home. We are also provided foot dopplers to be used for rapid assessment of vascularity of lower limbs to avoid complication and prevent amputation of feet for diabetic patients.

In addition, we provided vision assessments for UNRWA school students that were facilitated through the auto refractometers to screen for vision problems.
