Special Equipment for Special Kids
The PI Institute for Education of Persons with Difficulties in Physical and Bodily Development in Tuzla, Bosnia works with school aged kids with special needs. The school offers academics, vocational training as well as other therapies designed to help the children be as independent as possible when they reach adulthood.
We are also delivering fresh fruit weekly to the school to improve the diet of the students.
The PI Institute for Education of Persons with Difficulties in Physical and Bodily Development in Tuzla, Bosnia works with school aged kids with special needs. The school offers academics, vocational training as well as other therapies designed to help the children be as independent as possible when they reach adulthood. The Institute usually has between 120 -140 students each school year providing the specialized care these students require. Mercy-USA has provided some much needed specialized equipment for the school.
Equipment to help with mobility for students who have some leg function but were wheelchair-bound without support. We provided equipment to aid in lifting, as some of the students board overnight for all or part of the school week when their families or caretakers are too poor or too far away to transport them daily to the Institute and back. Other specialty equipment provided will help the staff at the Institute serve the daily living needs of students. We are also delivering fresh fruit weekly to the school to improve the diet of the students. Additionally, Mercy-USA is providing first aid kits to the school and hygiene kits to students on a quarterly basis, filling another gap that was identified during our initial needs assessments.